Thank God it’s Monday!

Why wait until friday to start living?

I’ve heard it said that you shouldn’t buy books at the dollar store, but when your wife drags you there to look for Thanksgiving knick-knacks (okay, when my wife drags me there), you’ve gotta find a way to make the experience more fun! So I dropped HUGE dollars for books – ten to be exact – and came home with two weeks’ worth of reading material. One of the books is Thank God it’s Monday! – A Tool Kit for Aligning Your Lifevision and Your Work, by Tim Hoerr. It is the height of irony that a book with this much to offer should be found in a place where overlooked, under-marketed books go to die. And, by the way, the link I embedded in this article will take you to the Amazon store, where the price for the hardcover is listed at $18.96. The book is worth that and a thousandfold more.

Mr. Hoerr’s main point is that, instead of working all week so that you can live it up on only on the weekends, it makes sense to try to find your life’s purpose, and make that your work. I couldn’t agree more. Starting in 2005, after a two-year process of personal assessment, I began re-aligning my life with my mission. I stopped practicing law in a corporate setting, opened a dojo (martial arts school), and starting obsessively studying personal development and business. Although I had to endure an enormous drop in income, and although my normal work week now is between 72 – 90 hours, I’ve never been happier.

I encourage you to think deeply about why you were put on this earth. One way to help find out is to read Thank God it’s Monday! and do all the exercises Mr. Hoerr provides. I think you’ll be very glad you did!

About Nicklaus

Nick has studied the martial arts and philosophies of Asia for 44 years, and has used their principles to start five successful businesses, including SEO Ann Arbor. He's an attorney, entrepreneur, consultant, and author of four books on martial arts, including Budo Mind and Body, which was featured in Black Belt Magazine. He advises a wide variety of businesses and individuals on marketing, motivation, mastery, success, and kicking your ass into gear.