success Archive

  • They should all be on the same road, shouldn't they?

    Which Way To Wealth, Success & Happiness?

    They should all be on the same road, shouldn't they?
    They should all be on the same road, shouldn't they?

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  • Are you actually communicating, or are you just talking a lot to make it sound like you're actually DOING something?

    Talk Normal, Stupid

    The dangerously seductive power of corporate speak
    Are you actually communicating, or are you just talking a lot to make it sound like you're actually DOING something?

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  • How a little customer accommodation might transform you from a grumpy burger flipper into a millionaire.

    We Don’t Do Substitutions

    How a little customer accommodation might transform you from a grumpy burger flipper into a millionaire.
    How a little customer accommodation might transform you from a grumpy burger flipper into a millionaire.

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  • Not that the two are mutually exclusive or anything, right?

    Would You Rather Be Wealthy Or Happy?

    Not that the two are mutually exclusive or anything, right?
    Not that the two are mutually exclusive or anything, right?

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  • Is perfectionism slowing your project down, or benefiting it?

    Do It Now, Or Do It Right?

    Or can you do BOTH?
    Is perfectionism slowing your project down, or benefiting it?

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  • You know that funny feeling you get when you address yourself by name? That's your nervous system responding from a very deeply programmed place, just like it did when your parents called you by name when you were about to be punished, or when your lover coos your name in the candlelight. It's a very powerful tool, and it can help you remake your self image.

    Do U Have an Elevator Speech for YOU?

    If not, you should!
    You know that funny feeling you get when you address yourself by name? That's your nervous system responding from a very deeply programmed place, just like it did when your parents called you by name when you were about to be punished, or when your lover coos your name in the candlelight. It's a very powerful tool, and it can help you remake your self image.

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  • Whether you tell your story for therapy, just to share it with people who care about you, or to re-cast your life in a light that helps to embolden and energize you, I highly recommend it.

    Story Therapy

    After all, what's more interesting than YOU?
    Whether you tell your story for therapy, just to share it with people who care about you, or to re-cast your life in a light that helps to embolden and energize you, I highly recommend it.

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  • Quitting is hard, but it can be really helpful. Ian and I wrote about it in our new book 101 Ways to Kick Your Ass Into Gear. But if you can't quit, then you can try to replace your current habits with ones that help you become happier, more motivation, and potentially more successful!

    Your Inner Dialogue

    If you can't QUIT, you can at least decide what to say to yourself!
    Quitting is hard, but it can be really helpful. Ian and I wrote about it in our new book 101 Ways to Kick Your Ass Into Gear. But if you can't quit, then you can try to replace your current habits with ones that help you become happier, more motivation, and potentially more successful!

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  • ...talking about our new book "101 Ideas to Kick Your Ass Into Gear"

    I Just Can’t Quit…

    ...talking about our new book "101 Ideas to Kick Your Ass Into Gear"
    ...talking about our new book "101 Ideas to Kick Your Ass Into Gear"

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  • If you write one page a day, you can have a 365-page novel by the end of 2012.

    One Thing Right Today

    That's 365 things this year, ya know!
    If you write one page a day, you can have a 365-page novel by the end of 2012.

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