Business Archive

  • How Apple proved that there's a lot of truth in Pete Blackshaw's idea that "Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000", and why I am now a rabid Apple convert, in spite of being a rabid foe just weeks ago.

    How Apple Turned Lemons Into Passion Fruit

    Fixing one bad customer experience is more valuable than providing 1,000 good ones.
    How Apple proved that there's a lot of truth in Pete Blackshaw's idea that "Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000", and why I am now a rabid Apple convert, in spite of being a rabid foe just weeks ago.

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  • Why AppleCare is probably an oxymoron, and why I like my local laundromat more than my formerly beloved MacBook. Which suddenly feels much heavier than it used to.

    Service: It All Comes Out In The Wash

    How my local laundromat took Apple to the cleaners last week.
    Why AppleCare is probably an oxymoron, and why I like my local laundromat more than my formerly beloved MacBook. Which suddenly feels much heavier than it used to.

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  • If you write one page a day, you can have a 365-page novel by the end of 2012.

    One Thing Right Today

    That's 365 things this year, ya know!
    If you write one page a day, you can have a 365-page novel by the end of 2012.

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  • Wherein Ian jumps on the soapbox and suggests everyone take

    Where Did You Get Your Business Degree, McDonald’s? – Part II

    Wherein Ian jumps on the soapbox and suggests everyone take "Ethics & Humanity in Business 101" for extra credit.
    Wherein Ian jumps on the soapbox and suggests everyone take "Ethics & Humanity in Business 101" for extra credit.

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  • The story of Ray Kroc and the decades long arc of the Golden Arches epic is often shared as a model for success. But one story often gets overlooked, and there's another no-one wants to tell.

    Where Did You Get Your Business Degree, McDonald’s? – Part I

    That McBusiness Degree may be worth more than you think.
    The story of Ray Kroc and the decades long arc of the Golden Arches epic is often shared as a model for success. But one story often gets overlooked, and there's another no-one wants to tell.

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  • For the same reason that flow is so enjoyable – the fact that it’s all-encompassing – it is also an extraordinary state for learning.

    Flow Toward Mastery

    Get yourself engaged, slightly off balance, and completely focused on the moment
    For the same reason that flow is so enjoyable – the fact that it’s all-encompassing – it is also an extraordinary state for learning.

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  • Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

    Purple Cow

    By Seth Godin
    Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

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