self-realization Archive

  • You know that funny feeling you get when you address yourself by name? That's your nervous system responding from a very deeply programmed place, just like it did when your parents called you by name when you were about to be punished, or when your lover coos your name in the candlelight. It's a very powerful tool, and it can help you remake your self image.

    Do U Have an Elevator Speech for YOU?

    If not, you should!
    You know that funny feeling you get when you address yourself by name? That's your nervous system responding from a very deeply programmed place, just like it did when your parents called you by name when you were about to be punished, or when your lover coos your name in the candlelight. It's a very powerful tool, and it can help you remake your self image.

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  • If you write one page a day, you can have a 365-page novel by the end of 2012.

    One Thing Right Today

    That's 365 things this year, ya know!
    If you write one page a day, you can have a 365-page novel by the end of 2012.

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  • I've always found that fewer simple carbs - and fewer pre-prepared foods in general - helps me maintain an energetic, positive attitude. When I'm less tired, I'm much less often frustrated, and when I get more done, I'm happier.

    The Happiness Diet

    Is there such a thing?
    I've always found that fewer simple carbs - and fewer pre-prepared foods in general - helps me maintain an energetic, positive attitude. When I'm less tired, I'm much less often frustrated, and when I get more done, I'm happier.

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  • The number of blessings each of us has is virtually unlimited.

    A Lesson in Gratitude

    When the teacher is the student
    The number of blessings each of us has is virtually unlimited.

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  • It hit me like a dope-slap from the Jolly Green Giant - I was creating the same sorts of conflicts in my new relationship as I had done in my first marriage! Two different women, same dude. Two wonderful, talented women, same unpleasant Mr. Grouchy-Pants.

    It Takes Two To Tango

    So what if YOU'RE the lousy dancer?
    It hit me like a dope-slap from the Jolly Green Giant - I was creating the same sorts of conflicts in my new relationship as I had done in my first marriage! Two different women, same dude. Two wonderful, talented women, same unpleasant Mr. Grouchy-Pants.

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  • Mastery is not only a means of accomplishing the things of the world, but it is that by which a person fulfills the purpose of his life. It is not necessary for man to leave all the things of the world and go into retreat. He can attend to his business, to his profession, to his duties in life and yet at the same time develop this spirit in himself which is the spirit of mastery.

    Greed Really IS Good

    and it's not just Gordon Gecko who said so
    Mastery is not only a means of accomplishing the things of the world, but it is that by which a person fulfills the purpose of his life. It is not necessary for man to leave all the things of the world and go into retreat. He can attend to his business, to his profession, to his duties in life and yet at the same time develop this spirit in himself which is the spirit of mastery.

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