change Archive

  • It's not especially attractive

    Shed That Shroud Of Guilt

    It's not especially attractive
    It's not especially attractive

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  • Ever notice how arguments about topics like politics seem to go nowhere? Science finally explains why you're so stubborn in your opinions.

    Why I’ll Never Change Your Mind

    And why you can't convince me otherwise.
    Ever notice how arguments about topics like politics seem to go nowhere? Science finally explains why you're so stubborn in your opinions.

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  • The other day I was standing at an intersection, waiting to cross the street. A local panhandler asked the man in a business suit standing next to me “can you...

    Fear And Making Change

    Our attempts at seeking security may be the most common cause of our fears.
    The other day I was standing at an intersection, waiting to cross the street. A local panhandler asked the man in a business suit standing next to me “can you...

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  • Do you ever get stuck? I mean, stuck in a big way, not just solving a problem, but really STUCK? Well, what I’m about to say may not help. I’m...

    Getting Unstuck

    We don't have the answer, but we do have the question. What are you afraid of?
    Do you ever get stuck? I mean, stuck in a big way, not just solving a problem, but really STUCK? Well, what I’m about to say may not help. I’m...

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  • I want to talk to you for a few minutes about a saying I’m sure you’ve heard many times. Maybe you even use it yourself from time to time. I...

    Everything Doesn’t Happen for a Reason!

    Until we CHOOSE the reason
    I want to talk to you for a few minutes about a saying I’m sure you’ve heard many times. Maybe you even use it yourself from time to time. I...

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  • The other day I was having coffee with my friend Ian, who also writes for The Wellness Addict, and we were talking about what each of us could do to...

    Don’t Just Do Something…

    The other day I was having coffee with my friend Ian, who also writes for The Wellness Addict, and we were talking about what each of us could do to...

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  • Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

    Purple Cow

    By Seth Godin
    Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

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