change Archive
Shed That Shroud Of Guilt
It's not especially attractivePosted on April 15, 2012 | No CommentsIt's not especially attractive -
Why I’ll Never Change Your Mind
And why you can't convince me otherwise.Posted on October 18, 2011 | No CommentsEver notice how arguments about topics like politics seem to go nowhere? Science finally explains why you're so stubborn in your opinions. -
Fear And Making Change
Our attempts at seeking security may be the most common cause of our fears.Posted on July 29, 2011 | No CommentsThe other day I was standing at an intersection, waiting to cross the street. A local panhandler asked the man in a business suit standing next to me “can you... -
Getting Unstuck
We don't have the answer, but we do have the question. What are you afraid of?Posted on March 23, 2011 | No CommentsDo you ever get stuck? I mean, stuck in a big way, not just solving a problem, but really STUCK? Well, what I’m about to say may not help. I’m... -
Everything Doesn’t Happen for a Reason!
Until we CHOOSE the reasonPosted on March 4, 2011 | No CommentsI want to talk to you for a few minutes about a saying I’m sure you’ve heard many times. Maybe you even use it yourself from time to time. I... -
Don’t Just Do Something…
DO SOMETHING!Posted on February 28, 2011 | No CommentsThe other day I was having coffee with my friend Ian, who also writes for The Wellness Addict, and we were talking about what each of us could do to... -
Purple Cow
By Seth GodinPosted on February 26, 2011 | No CommentsTransform Your Business by Being Remarkable