Recommended Reads
How can we not recommend our OWN book? A lighthearted but heartfelt, entertaining riff on getting off your duff. The short punchy chapters are perfect for in-flight or coffee break reading. Learn more at, or pick it up on Amazon.
Nick says: If you want advice on how to stick to something and become, very, very good at it, read Mastery by George Leonard. And be prepared for some serious hard work!
Ian says: If a book with the word "soul" in the title makes you uneasy, maybe you ain't got none. Care of the Soul is a practical and inspiring book that reminds us that we don't have to be "religious" to lead a soulful life.
Self Discovery Archive
What Makes YOU So Special, Anyway?
Figuring that out may make all the difference in the world.Posted on February 18, 2012 | No CommentsOne of the first things we learn in Self Employment 101 or our Small Business Independent Studies class is that we have to have something that makes us unique. This... -
It May Be The End Of The Year
But it isn't the end of the world. Don't let resolutions ruin your life.Posted on December 30, 2011 | No CommentsWhy do we spend all year not doing something, then decide that we're suddenly going to be able to do it just by putting it on a list? -
Be Offensive, Be Very Offensive!
Otherwise, let's get past race and gender and on to greater thingsPosted on November 10, 2011 | No CommentsOutside of rare, really good comedy, I think a culture has been created by those who believe they're pro-minority and pro-women, and imbedded in that culture is the wrong-headed notion that because wrongs were done to the group they support, the situation can be balanced by doing a subtle or overt wrong to the group they view as inappropriately privileged. -
Trust Life
Embrace the maze.Posted on November 4, 2011 | 4 CommentsDoes life sometimes seem like a confounding labyrinth? That's because it IS. And that's most of the fun if you take the right attitude. -
Flow Toward Mastery
Get yourself engaged, slightly off balance, and completely focused on the momentPosted on October 13, 2011 | 1 CommentFor the same reason that flow is so enjoyable – the fact that it’s all-encompassing – it is also an extraordinary state for learning. -
In the Land of Business, are you a Settler or an Explorer?
You may not want to start on that fort until you know if you're gonna stay!Posted on September 12, 2011 | No CommentsSettling when you're an explorer could be a big mistake. Embrace your inner explorer and discover the exciting new horizons beyond the next mountain range! -
Who The Heck Do You Think You Are?
And just what do you think you're doing?Posted on June 29, 2011 | No CommentsI’m always happy when I see someone cruise through college, get a job they love, and live a happy life well into their forties. Of course, if that were the... -
Do You Have Too Much on Your Plate?
Or do you just need a better fork?Posted on June 5, 2011 | No CommentsHow often do you hear someone say “How about next week? This week is CRAZY!”, or “I’d love to, but I’m just SO busy”? Recently a friend of mine who’s...