personal development Archive
Do U Have an Elevator Speech for YOU?
If not, you should!Posted on January 6, 2012 | No CommentsYou know that funny feeling you get when you address yourself by name? That's your nervous system responding from a very deeply programmed place, just like it did when your parents called you by name when you were about to be punished, or when your lover coos your name in the candlelight. It's a very powerful tool, and it can help you remake your self image. -
A Purposeless-Driven Life?
Are your goals and striving for purpose serving only to make you unhappy?Posted on December 12, 2011 | No CommentsAre your goals and striving for purpose serving only to make you unhappy? -
Personal Development … Enjoy the fall!
The road to success isn't always up hill.Posted on October 25, 2011 | No CommentsSo when my golf swing felt so great as a result of paying attention to one seemingly minor aspect, I knew the following days weren't going to be as exhilarating. -
In the Land of Business, are you a Settler or an Explorer?
You may not want to start on that fort until you know if you're gonna stay!Posted on September 12, 2011 | No CommentsSettling when you're an explorer could be a big mistake. Embrace your inner explorer and discover the exciting new horizons beyond the next mountain range! -
The Success Triangle – Skills, Effort and Attitude
Posted on March 22, 2011 | No CommentsToday a client asked me, “how can you run a law practice and an SEO business, teach at your martial arts dojo, consult for businesses, write for several blogs, and... -
Rich Dad Poor Dad
By Robert T. KiyosakiPosted on February 26, 2011 | No CommentsWhat The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not