self-discovery Archive
Greed Really IS Good
and it's not just Gordon Gecko who said soPosted on October 27, 2011 | No CommentsMastery is not only a means of accomplishing the things of the world, but it is that by which a person fulfills the purpose of his life. It is not necessary for man to leave all the things of the world and go into retreat. He can attend to his business, to his profession, to his duties in life and yet at the same time develop this spirit in himself which is the spirit of mastery. -
Personal Development … Enjoy the fall!
The road to success isn't always up hill.Posted on October 25, 2011 | No CommentsSo when my golf swing felt so great as a result of paying attention to one seemingly minor aspect, I knew the following days weren't going to be as exhilarating. -
Flow Toward Mastery
Get yourself engaged, slightly off balance, and completely focused on the momentPosted on October 13, 2011 | 1 CommentFor the same reason that flow is so enjoyable – the fact that it’s all-encompassing – it is also an extraordinary state for learning. -
In the Land of Business, are you a Settler or an Explorer?
You may not want to start on that fort until you know if you're gonna stay!Posted on September 12, 2011 | No CommentsSettling when you're an explorer could be a big mistake. Embrace your inner explorer and discover the exciting new horizons beyond the next mountain range!