happiness Archive

  • The number of blessings each of us has is virtually unlimited.

    A Lesson in Gratitude

    When the teacher is the student
    The number of blessings each of us has is virtually unlimited.

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  • It hit me like a dope-slap from the Jolly Green Giant - I was creating the same sorts of conflicts in my new relationship as I had done in my first marriage! Two different women, same dude. Two wonderful, talented women, same unpleasant Mr. Grouchy-Pants.

    It Takes Two To Tango

    So what if YOU'RE the lousy dancer?
    It hit me like a dope-slap from the Jolly Green Giant - I was creating the same sorts of conflicts in my new relationship as I had done in my first marriage! Two different women, same dude. Two wonderful, talented women, same unpleasant Mr. Grouchy-Pants.

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  • Pay attention when you get angry and ask yourself,


    That's how many "true" selves you have
    Pay attention when you get angry and ask yourself, "who's angry?" If the answer is, "me!" then ask, "but who asked the question?" It takes about one-tenth of a second to realize that it's not you that's angry, but some part of you that you don't necessarily have to validate at that moment.

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  • Most of us adults think we have to work with a purpose in mind, but maybe we just have to remember what it was like to play. Have faith that new insights will occur, and immerse yourself fully in whatever your life's mission may be.


    It's not just for children anymore
    Most of us adults think we have to work with a purpose in mind, but maybe we just have to remember what it was like to play. Have faith that new insights will occur, and immerse yourself fully in whatever your life's mission may be.

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  • Does life sometimes seem like a confounding labyrinth? That's because it IS. And that's most of the fun if you take the right attitude.

    Trust Life

    Embrace the maze.
    Does life sometimes seem like a confounding labyrinth? That's because it IS. And that's most of the fun if you take the right attitude.

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  • So I dropped HUGE dollars for books - ten to be exact - and came home with two weeks' worth of reading material. One of the books is Thank God it's Monday! - A Tool Kit for Aligning Your Lifevision and Your Work, by Tim Hoerr. It is the height of irony that a book with this much to offer should be found in a place where overlooked, under-marketed books go to die.

    Thank God it’s Monday!

    Why wait until friday to start living?
    So I dropped HUGE dollars for books - ten to be exact - and came home with two weeks' worth of reading material. One of the books is Thank God it's Monday! - A Tool Kit for Aligning Your Lifevision and Your Work, by Tim Hoerr. It is the height of irony that a book with this much to offer should be found in a place where overlooked, under-marketed books go to die.

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  • I've been working on aspects of advanced swordsmanship with two of the most extraordinary swordsmen in the world, and we've been bashing our heads in (so to speak) trying to figure out how to write about what we do.

    A Job Well Begun

    Is a job half-emailed to your co-conspirators
    I've been working on aspects of advanced swordsmanship with two of the most extraordinary swordsmen in the world, and we've been bashing our heads in (so to speak) trying to figure out how to write about what we do.

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  • If there's one hard and fast rule I've learned on my personal journey to improved happiness and personal success, it's that there isn't one hard and fast rule.

    Sell To The Masses, Eat With The Classes?

    Sell To The Classes, Eat With The Masses?
    If there's one hard and fast rule I've learned on my personal journey to improved happiness and personal success, it's that there isn't one hard and fast rule.

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  • If you work with low expectations when the challenge is great, it may help you get through the tough work of doing one incremental task at a time without stressing about achieving the greater goal right away.

    What do you expect?

    Expect nothing, get ....
    If you work with low expectations when the challenge is great, it may help you get through the tough work of doing one incremental task at a time without stressing about achieving the greater goal right away.

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  • What used to work was just to dig in, start working, and do whatever came to mind. When I was running a single business, that actually worked pretty well, as long as I had enough caffeine in my system!

    Task Management

    What works for you?
    What used to work was just to dig in, start working, and do whatever came to mind. When I was running a single business, that actually worked pretty well, as long as I had enough caffeine in my system!

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