Alcoholics Anonymous Archive

  • Some thoughts on why making a huge fuss over sober anniversaries may not be such a brilliant idea, and the mysterious five year sobriety barrier.

    Happy Anniversary

    But let's not bust out the Dom just yet.
    Some thoughts on why making a huge fuss over sober anniversaries may not be such a brilliant idea, and the mysterious five year sobriety barrier.

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  • Science only recently seems to be identifying something that poets and pop songwriters have known for ages: It’s a fine line between love and addiction. Which can raise some difficult...

    Might As Well Face It You’re Addicted

    To love, or drugs, or alcohol, or some other fun thing.
    Science only recently seems to be identifying something that poets and pop songwriters have known for ages: It’s a fine line between love and addiction. Which can raise some difficult...

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  • The question of whether or not Alcoholics Anonymous is a cult gets asked a lot. And answered a lot as well. I used to ask the question myself, especially after...

    Is Alcoholics Anonymous A Cult?

    And if it is, would somebody teach me the dang secret handshake?
    The question of whether or not Alcoholics Anonymous is a cult gets asked a lot. And answered a lot as well. I used to ask the question myself, especially after...

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  • You’ve probably heard of the “fake it ’til you make it” approach. It has been espoused by everyone from Amway to Alcoholics Anonymous, to Zig Ziglar. While it may sound...

    Fake It ’til You Make It – Not Until You Break It

    Kidding yourself to get through tough times with your venture is a powerful tool. Just don't make it your business model.
    You’ve probably heard of the “fake it ’til you make it” approach. It has been espoused by everyone from Amway to Alcoholics Anonymous, to Zig Ziglar. While it may sound...

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