About Author: Ian

Ian is a media consultant, writer, musician, and budding public speaker with an eye on being the next Ellen. Ian's interest in helping others find success and happiness stems from his experience with events planning and media consulting with organizations like Interfluence.com and the Kenya/US NGO Amara Conservation from 2000-2008, which taught him how little we all know about what we're really doing. From 2008 until April of 2011, Ian wrote for and maintained the site DissociatedPress.com. Ian learned long ago that the journey to success may take occasional detours, and often eschews the road map in favor of taking in life's scenery. His first business venture was a small telecom company in the late 1980's, but subsequent ventures included pursuing a pop music career, screenwriting, and the foodservice and retail employment that often follows such pursuits. After struggling with addiction for years, Ian is happily embracing recovery and the clarity it brings.

Posts by Ian

  • Paradoxically, maybe you need to give some away.

    Feel Like You Never Have Enough Time?

    Paradoxically, maybe you need to give some away.
    Paradoxically, maybe you need to give some away.

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  • A stint in foodservice beats any internship, anywhere, by combining thinking on your feet, hard work, service, and humility. And a little ballet training.

    Why Johnny Can’t Mop

    A stint in foodservice beats any internship, anywhere.
    A stint in foodservice beats any internship, anywhere, by combining thinking on your feet, hard work, service, and humility. And a little ballet training.

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  • Maybe putting yourself second should come first.

    5 Simple Rules That Will Change Your Life

    Maybe putting yourself second should come first.
    Maybe putting yourself second should come first.

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  • Why AppleCare is probably an oxymoron, and why I like my local laundromat more than my formerly beloved MacBook. Which suddenly feels much heavier than it used to.

    Service: It All Comes Out In The Wash

    How my local laundromat took Apple to the cleaners last week.
    Why AppleCare is probably an oxymoron, and why I like my local laundromat more than my formerly beloved MacBook. Which suddenly feels much heavier than it used to.

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  • It's not especially attractive

    Shed That Shroud Of Guilt

    It's not especially attractive
    It's not especially attractive

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  • Some thoughts on why making a huge fuss over sober anniversaries may not be such a brilliant idea, and the mysterious five year sobriety barrier.

    Happy Anniversary

    But let's not bust out the Dom just yet.
    Some thoughts on why making a huge fuss over sober anniversaries may not be such a brilliant idea, and the mysterious five year sobriety barrier.

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  • On the idea behind the Daily Fix, and a little about discipline and adaptation. And how Ian is a windbag.

    Here’s The Score

    On the idea behind the Daily Fix, and a little about discipline and adaptation. And how Ian is a windbag.
    On the idea behind the Daily Fix, and a little about discipline and adaptation. And how Ian is a windbag.

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  • Are you actually communicating, or are you just talking a lot to make it sound like you're actually DOING something?

    Talk Normal, Stupid

    The dangerously seductive power of corporate speak
    Are you actually communicating, or are you just talking a lot to make it sound like you're actually DOING something?

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  • If you can't answer that question easily, maybe it's time to get to know you. With a Myers-Briggs Type quiz.

    Why On Earth Are You Going To Work Today?

    If you can't answer that question easily, maybe it's time to get to know you.
    If you can't answer that question easily, maybe it's time to get to know you. With a Myers-Briggs Type quiz.

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  • Alan Watts on life, the universe, and everything. And then some

    You ARE the Big Bang

    Alan Watts on life, the universe, and everything.
    Alan Watts on life, the universe, and everything. And then some

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